Serverless realtime messaging with Yomo and Drupal, totally control your data streams

Serverless realtime messaging with Yomo and Drupal, totally control your data streams

1 Slot - 45 min

The internet was born as a free place with hyperlinks where everyone could share whatever they desired at the time people were patiently waiting for their dial-up modems

That was a long time ago and in the past 30 years we’ve seen web 2.0. and 3.0 where data and meta were introduced to manage better findability, accessibility and control.

Recently governments are wondering what to do against all the spying by Google, Microsoft and Chinese companies and are banning some of these services.

At the same time the Internet of Things (IoT) is finally taking flight and data consumption and production are going through the roof.


We now all have, sort of, smart homes, sharing whatever sensitive and private information with whatever entity in the Cloud. We should care about our privacy but we gladly ignore it for more and better features.


I do care about my data and have been playing with MQTT, home assistant and so on, going to the next level with edge and fog computing.


This presentation will show how we can fully facilitate IoT via edge commuting to the self-controlled cloud. Picking up sensor data, processing and zipping it and then federating to the cloud(s) mystifying privacy and keeping control.


In the past months, we built a proof of concept with an accompanying module on called `presence`. It implements `presencejs` library and is intended to solve the realtime issue we have in php and in Drupal, where multiple data streams come together to take triggers and accompanying actions.


Yomo is a new kid on the block for serverless real time data streams, it’s not replacing known data streaming protocols like MQTT or pub-sub-hub but has the ability to adapt and implement these protocols and deliver the data to influx or other storage and processing engines. YoMo is an open-source Streaming Serverless Framework (SSF) for building Low-latency Edge Computing applications. Built atop QUIC Transport Protocol (UDP) and Functional Reactive Programming interface, it makes real-time data processing reliable, secure, and easy to implement.


It’s no secret that today’s users are impatient and want instant gratification, at the same time productivity applications become more powerful and fun with complex collaborative functionality. 

Currently, when we talk about distribution, it represents distribution in-data-center and between datacenters a.k.a. Cloud distribution. These APIs are far away from their end users from all over the world. Latency becomes the next challenge to solve


If an application can be deployed anywhere close to its end users that will solve the problem of low latency fast deliverables, this Geo-distributed System Architecture allows for worryless federation and happy end users.



The presentation can be followed without specific background knowledge and will show and explain the usage and architecture of this technology.

Speaker: floris