That’s it again
The DrupalCamp Ruhr 2023 is over. Many thanks to all participants, speakers and sponsors. Without your commitment there would have been no new DrupalCamp Ruhr.
And because the first people have already asked: There will most likely not be a DrupalCamp Ruhr in 2024. From 2025 onwards, we'll see if other cities are planning any DrupalCamps – or if we have the time and inclination again ...
In the meantime, there are lots of other Drupal events, for example DrupalCamping, Drupal Dev Days and DrupalCon. There are also various Drupal user groups that usually meet monthly. You can find the dates of the Drupal User Group Ruhr on Meetup and on Twitter, for example.
This website is now archived as a static website. Nothing more will happen here.
We’re back!
The well-known and proven DrupalCamp Ruhr will take place for the sixth time in 2023. Again in Essen. Again in the Unperfekthaus.
Get your ticket (and T-shirt) now!
The camp and the sessions will be held mainly in English. But if you want to hold a session in German only, that's also possible. We will distribute the sessions in such a way that international guests can attend at least one English-speaking session in each slot.
The topics depend on you. Your sessions can be about frontend, backend, performance, accessibility, module development or tools - but also about teamwork, business or work-life balance. Sign up to propose your own session.
We will group the proposed sessions into themes at the end of April and put them in a rough order. On both days, however, we will start with a Barcamp Marketplace in the morning, where you can spontaneously offer sessions. As a result, the final session plan – as is usual at barcamps – will only emerge on the day itself.
The Unperfekthaus is a perfect place for artists and creative types and well-known beyond the ruhr valley. It also happens to be perfectly suited for camps of all sorts.
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