Entity API Show & Tell

1 Slot - 45 min

I am a former Drupal Entity API maintainer with a lot of experience in how revisions and translations work in Drupal, working with entities from code, creating custom entity types, and more. This session is a chance for you to pick my brain about all of those things and anything else related to the Entity API.

I'll prepare some topics related to the Entity API that I think are interesting, but this is also a chance for you to show off the cool thing you did on your project or to ask about that one weird thing that you just don't get.


I ended up showing how to create a custom entity type using my extensive (albeit somewhat dated) Entity Type Walkthrough as a reference. I used a different example than the one there, however. I brought up the use-case of implementing a Drupal entity type for an existing database table with data. We used the employees table from this example dataset: github.com/datacharmer/test_db. The code that I wrote in the session can be seen here: gitlab.com/tstoeckler/example-employee-drupal-module

Speaker: tstoeckler

Voller Name
Tobias Zimmermann
- Drupal Core Contributor since Drupal 7
- Professional Drupal Developer since 2013
- Speaker at various DrupalCamps and DrupalCons since 2014
- Co-organizer of the previous DrupalCamp Ruhr
- Passionate about the Drupal Entity API and Software Architecture