
Thu, 10/26/2017 - 22:06

Looking for mentors!

Presenting at a DrupalCamp is no small feat and sure to be a daunting challenge for those of us without public speaking experience.

We ware looking for people with experience in public speaking and presentation who can help and mentor those looking to speak for the first time and/or improve their presentation at DrupalCamp Ruhr 2018.

Wed, 10/11/2017 - 22:01

DrupalCamp Ruhr 2018 - we're looking for support

The next DrupalCamp Ruhr takes place March 17th to 18th in Essen.

We're looking for support in a lot of different areas of activity. If you're interested in helping, drop us a line!

Tue, 10/03/2017 - 21:52

"Hömma Welt"

Every now and then, we're asked when we'll host the next Drupal camp. It's almost 2018, and we're almost ready to go: On March 27th to 28th, the DrupalCamp Ruhr will take place in the Unperfekthaus in Essen, Germany.