There are going to be sprints throughout the day both on Saturday and Sunday. So no matter if you want to help out with one of the big Drupal core initiatives to make our beloved CMS just that much more awesome or if you just have that one pesky bug in a contrib module that you've wanted to look into for ages - come by the sprint room and we'll do everything in our power to help you get that warm, fuzzy feeling of contribution.
Not me though, right?
Yes, you! Sprints are for everyone - not just for coders. We are always in need of designers, usability experts, translators, documentation writers, testers, … to bring Drupal to the next level. We can also help you set up your development environment in case you've never actually created a patch, but would like to try it out.
Become a sprint lead!
We would like to prepare and announce a couple of topics for the sprint ahead of time. This helps to attract people who may otherwise not think of themselves as sprinters. Are you already part of an official or unofficial initiative in Drupal? Or do you have an interesting problem in mind that could use some more hands? Sounds like would be a great sprint lead! Let us know and we will get in touch.
Become a mentor!
We all know that feeling of wanting to contribute but not really knowing how. To avoid this as much as possible we are looking for people who either already have sprint experience or are just really excited about helping others. Your job as a sprint mentor will be to guide the other sprinters through the contribution process be that finding an issue to work on to uploading a patch. Drop us a line if you want to help by helping others.