Vorschlag von Thorsten Krug
Vortrag für Fortgeschrittene, Alle | Tags: frontend, theming, drupal8

Creating a gulp based D8 Theme with browserSync

In this session I will share my experiences creating my first D8 Theme based on a gulp workflow for in browser Theming. Including a KSS-node styleguide and recommendations for SCSS Editing.

You should know a little about Drupal 7 theming, SCSS, git and a shell to get the best out of the Session.

  • gulp as a build tool
  • libsass for fast scss compilation
  • browserSync for an amazing developing and testing experience
  • singularity css grid system
  • KSS-Node to create stylesheets and maintain your style library

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Stimmen: 11

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Eugen Kraft schrieb am 20. Oktober 2015 um 15:56

Hey there! Does your workflow also include to compile only changed sass files & files that are importing changed partials? Would be great to see as the most of the plugins I tried, seem to be buggy. Greetings!

Thorsten Krug schrieb am 23. Oktober 2015 um 12:34

This is all work in progress. I will release seme sandbox project of my work, ad had the Idea to do some workshhop after.

Thorsten Krug schrieb am 23. Oktober 2015 um 12:48

Basically i use Libsass and there is no globbing. I didn't find a good workaround yet. Lets do some workshop after to compare different approaches.

Eugen Kraft schrieb am 23. Oktober 2015 um 15:38

Sure! Sounds good =)

Thorsten Krug schrieb am 25. Oktober 2015 um 00:05

Mein Workshop Vorschlag wäre nach dem Mittag 14 Uhr in der Couch Lounge.